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Get free expert support to sharpen your pitching skills to secure investment in your business

21 July 2021

Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest supports innovative and ambitious UK small to medium sized businesses to get investment-ready and develop their investor pitch to help raise finance.

“It’s a great experience and I would recommend it to every entrepreneur looking for investment. It provides a wealth of information and a good insight into the investment world.” Pitchfest attendee.

What does Innovate UK EDGE Pitchfest offer?

Two days of comprehensive pitch training

Access to leading pitch and investment experts

Bespoke support from a dedicated innovation and growth specialist

An opportunity to build a clear, compelling and credible investment proposition

Support with supercharging your elevator pitch and building a persuasive investor pitch

Guidance on understanding how to find investors in your region and across the UK

The experience of testing your pitch in front of real investors and receiving constructive no-risk feedback

Who is eligible?

Innovate UK EDGE is looking for UK registered, high-growth potential, innovative small to medium-sized businesses interested in internationalisation and seeking to raise c. £500k of investment (over the next 24 months).

Your business will need to be looking to test your pitch to investors (Business Angel or Venture Capital finance), with a minimum of £100k in turnover, or a sales pipeline or a route to market secured.

Businesses can have up to 500 staff (unless in Northern Ireland, when the limit is 250).

The dates for Pitchfest Midlands and the link to register are all here

The Application Form is here

You can sign up for Pitchfest alerts here