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Free business tools from Microsoft

26 January 2023

The Business Gateway is working with Microsoft to provide free productivity tools aimed at micro, small and medium-sized businesses from any sector.

The new initiative is a suite of free resources, including advice and training, made available by Microsoft to support small business productivity.

The resources support technology and software, from the thought stage through to implementation and training of your team via virtual workshops, online courses and thought leadership material. Support ranges from everyday Office tools to complex transformations – including everything in between.

Visit the Microsoft Small Business Resource Centre or book a business consultation below. The resources are available to all so please share them across your networks.

Many businesses already have Microsoft products available yet do not utilise these to their optimum potential.  This initiative will go some way to addressing that and allow SMEs to use these tools to their full capability, with ongoing learning available via monthly newsletters and virtual workshops.

In addition, businesses will also have an opportunity for one-to-one business consultations with a Microsoft Business Adviser to identify their specific needs and tailor their requirements.