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Zellar - sustainability platform for small businesses

What is Zellar?

We have a very limited number of licences to use a digital platform to monitor and reduce your carbon emissions in a pioneering green initiative.

The world’s first sustainability as a service platform, called Zellar, enables your business to identify its carbon impact and then provides a bespoke plan to reduce it, including:

  • Advice on how to offset emissions
  • How to find sustainable energy providers
  • How to reduce energy (and money) waste
  • How to change behaviour among employees
  • Businesses in the same sectors can compare against peers
  • Share good practice with other businesses

If you would like free expert support with reducing your carbon emissions, just submit an enquiry today.

About Zellar

Zellar’s software platform enables businesses to measure, manage and amplify their sustainability journey in one place.

Zellar simplifies and provides easy access to the things that can help you reduce your carbon emissions such as changing to renewable energy, investing in local carbon biodiversity and offsetting projects. Everything feeds their powerful ‘Panorama’ data engine, allowing you as a business owner to understand where you are and how to improve your position. Each initiative delivers a measurable economic, environmental, and social benefit and is visible through the Zellar profile and directory.

Zellar claim to set the standard for sustainability measurement, bringing much needed clarity to the market by simplifying and offering sustainable solutions for businesses while giving consumers a tool that signposts those businesses committed to making a difference.

If you want to know more please complete an enquiry form below quoting “Zellar”