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Western Power Distribution Energy Affordability Fund

21 September 2022

Western Power Distribution (WPD) Energy Affordability Fund

Grant funding is available to all organisation types within the WPD area which includes the East Midlands to deliver local affordable warmth and/or Priority Service Register services. This year it is looking for projects responding to the cost-of-living crisis and escalating fuel prices by delivering in-depth advice, engaging with themes of help and intervention, and reaching communities which are often excluded or unable to find  energy advice services easily.

The Energy Affordability Fund will support activities that meet one or more of the following objectives:

  • Provide in-depth advice and support to enable vulnerable households to carry out home improvements to make their homes more energy efficient.
  • Help vulnerable households to lower and manage their bills.
  • Provide support and advice to increase resilience of vulnerable households to severe winter weather and provide advice on what to do in a power cut.
  • Target home energy advice and support to households that are in areas of higher deprivation, at greater risk and not connected to the gas network, potentially using WPD’s vulnerability app:
  • Identify and support vulnerable or low-income households in rural and urban areas who have difficulty accessing support.
  • Identify new registrants for the PSR and offer support to households already registered.
  • Work with healthcare providers, other support organisations and community partners, to raise awareness of the links between cold, damp homes and poor physical and mental health.

Please note that, given the complexity of cases and issues that people in vulnerable circumstances are currently facing, the fund this year is primarily aimed at experienced energy advice organisations. To qualify for a grant, organisations must be currently delivering energy advice and outreach activities (or have done in the recent past). The fund is open to all organisation types including voluntary and community sector, statutory bodies and private enterprises, but activities must take place within the WPD network area.

Grants of up to £20,000 are available to support activities running from November 2022 – April 2023.

Recipients of the grants must be free to attend a networking and skills sharing online workshop on Friday 4 November 2022, and will also receive mentoring and support from the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE).

Application closing date: midnight on Friday 30 September 2022. 

For further information and application criteria please visit the CSE website. Specific enquiries about the fund can be sent by email to