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Investment Readiness Programme

Free support for the investment landscape

Is your business ready to attract investment and scale-up for future success?

The investment landscape can be confusing and daunting, but there are some fantastic investment opportunities that could help your business thrive and grow. In recognition of this, we’ve worked with our partners to put together a comprehensive package of support to help your business understand what opportunities are available.

Benefits can include:

  • Tailored support based on your actual needs – delivered by industry experts
  • Identifying a new market


Tailored one to one specialist support

This programme is focussed on supporting business owners or founders who are looking for external funding to help their business scale-up. If you have been trading for a year or more, with a turnover of between £50k and £100k and are looking to grow, this could be the ideal programme for you. The current series includes a selection of topics:

  • Business planning for funding
  • What makes a business ‘Investment Ready’
  • Business Angels vs Crowdfunding
  • How to pitch for Business Angel funding

How will this help my business?


Unlock financial support to help your business grow

Understand the different kind of investment funds available, and how you can use them to secure future success for your business


Specialist consultants at no cost to you

The programme will be delivered by a highly experienced team of consultants, who have extensive knowledge and experience in guiding businesses through the steps needed to apply for the correct investment opportunities


Dedicated Business Adviser

You will receive dedicated support from the Growth Hub's highly experienced investment adviser. Having your own business adviser on hand to help you get the most from local and national support programmes


How do I get involved?

Watch our website for the next round of Investor Readiness sessions. If you have more questions simply email Matt.Bateman@bizgateway.org.uk or fill in the "Get in Touch" form below and a member of the team will be in contact