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Masterclass: Building a Culture of Resilience

Sorry this event has past and is no longer available. Please view the events page for the current calendar.

When and Where

  • Date: 24 November 2023
  • Start & End Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Location: Online

Address: Online

Event Details

Starting later this year and running into 2024, internationally acclaimed culture change expert David Chabeaux will be delivering a series of full-day, in-depth masterclasses, to help leaders develop a culture which promotes trust, creativity, resilience, understanding and aligns to their organisation’s objectives.

As a taster to these sessions, through the autumn, we are running six one-hour online webinars to inspire thought, plant the seed of creativity and get you prepared for this masterclass journey.

This is the third taster session for a series of six new masterclasses with David Chabeux which cover the topic of culture with the workplace.

All too often, sessions on ‘resilience’ or ‘dealing with change’ involve charts and bell-curves that make big promises and offer utopian outcomes. “If you just do x, y and z, your world will be full of pink fluffy unicorns, dancing on rainbows”. This is NOT one of those sessions.

Instead, in a highly interactive 1 hour session; with a sensational follow-up day in-person for those who wish to explore and immerse themselves deeper, this masterclass looks not at the theory of how we deal with change, but at some practical ways you can create a culture which better deals with change and uncertainty NOW. We need to start making some different choices. David will show you four. And there will be no unicorns in sight…

What outcomes can you expect from joining us
Led by internationally acclaimed culture change expert David Chabeaux, David is currently working with East Midlands Chamber on our own cultural effectiveness.

Sorry this event has past and is no longer available. Please view the events page for the current calendar.