Accelerate Programme with Leicestershire Business Advice Service: We know the first twelve months of trading as a new business can bring a number of challenges – some expected, some not.
The Accelerate service stream strives to provide unprecedented support to make your next steps run as smoothly as possible. By speaking to our team and accessing expert advice, we can support you in navigating the next steps for your business. We’ll look at your business plan and help establish what your key priorities should be, such as marketing and money management.
Gain access:
The Accelerate service stream offered by the Leicestershire Business Advice Service offers a streamlined and impactful support package spanning three months. This programme equips you with essential insights on accelerating growth during your first year of trading.
Workshops: As part of the Accelerate stream, you gain access to three workshops covering essential topics: Business Planning, Managing Money, and Content Marketing. Led by a highly experienced start-up expert, these workshops are offered with a hybrid approach – your first workshop will be in person followed by two online workshops. Work collaboratively to develop a clear action plan aimed at driving your business forward.
Comprehensive support: Receive personalised one-to-one follow up support after each workshop. These follow-up sessions provide an opportunity to refine your understanding of the sessions content, address any support requirements, and collaboratively develop a tailored business growth action plan.
Disclaimer: To access the Prepare & Accelerate workshops, you must first Sign up for the fully funded program.