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Industrial Decarbonisation Challenge – ‘Enabling Net Zero: A Plan for UK Industrial Cluster Decarbonisation’

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When and Where

  • Date: 7 December 2023
  • Start & End Time: 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
  • Location: Online

Address: Online

Event Details

‘Enabling Net Zero: A Plan for UK Industrial Cluster Decarbonisation’ brings together the work of six industrial clusters and provides recommendations for how the UK can harness the power of its industrial clusters whilst driving down emissions.

The report provides a clear path forward for the government and industry partnership needed to establish at least four low-carbon clusters by 2030, and the world’s first net zero industrial cluster by 2040, while contributing to a broader set of beneficial outcomes.

The report’s recommendations include:

  • Providing clear signals to the market to facilitate the transition from interim deployment targets to net zero across all clusters by 2050.
  • Rationalising and expediting permitting for common infrastructure projects that are at the core of the industrial clusters’ plans.
  • Appointing an Industrial Cluster Advocate with strong government connections and the development of a mechanism for ongoing coordination and communication with industrial clusters.
  • Developing actionable measures and timings for the skills requirements needed for industrial clusters to decarbonise.
  • Standardising methodologies for decarbonisation impact estimating.

This webinar will provide an overview of why the report was developed, highlight key findings and outcomes, and discuss the report’s five recommendations that must be taken forward by government and industry to cement the UK’s position as a world leader in industrial decarbonisation.

Sorry this event has past and is no longer available. Please view the events page for the current calendar.