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Carbon Reduction Short Course (Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland)

Sorry this event has past and is no longer available. Please view the events page for the current calendar.

When and Where

  • Date: 10 May 2023
  • Start & End Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Location: Online

Address: Online

Event Details

This session will help you understand the context of carbon reductions and what climate change means for your business, why you should be taking steps to reducing your emissions, how you and your customers can benefit and how to access support.

This session is designed to give you an introductory understanding of carbon reduction and climate change in the context of your business and signpost you to the support. Join us to get ahead of the curve and keep your customers and staff happy!

What to expect:

– We will help you make sense of carbon jargon

– Discuss carbon footprints of individuals and business actions

– Highlight the benefits of taking action with a case study of a local business

– Signpost you to tools and resources available

Key questions we will help answer:

– What does it mean to be net zero or carbon neutral?

– What is the carbon footprint of your business travel?

– What’s in it for me by taking action?

– Where can I access tools and resources?

You will finish this session with a greater understanding of what it means to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions for your business and get access to the tools and resources available for you to access to get started.

Please note that this short course is aimed at businesses from Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We will of course do our best to accommodate all interested parties on the course.

The event will be delivered by Christiane Startin-Lorent, Owner of Lorent Training and Alice Jackson, Academic Engagement Officer, University of Leicester.

The training is being enabled through a collaboration between De Montfort University, the University of Leicester and Lorent Training.

Sorry this event has past and is no longer available. Please view the events page for the current calendar.