As part of their Multiply project, Leicestershire County Council is working in partnership with National Numeracy. This project involves training Numeracy Champions across the region who can empower adults to get on with numbers so they can fulfil their potential at work and at home.
Numeracy Champions can be from businesses or the community in Leicestershire. This intermediary-based model focuses on developing a network of champions across the region and uses a popular CPD-accredited online training course. Numeracy Champions don’t teach maths, they act as mentors to build confidence, support positive attitudes, change mindsets and introduce resources to support skills learning.
They are empowered to help change the conversation around maths across their organisations and encourage adult learners to re-engage with everyday maths learning using the National Numeracy Challenge, an online learning resource.
To find out more about the project the County Council is holding an information session on Wednesday 14 December from 9.30 to 11.00am.
To book your place, please use: