Energy & Climate
The Business Gateway growth hub connects businesses to many different providers of business support services.

Net Zero and Sustainability in Global Trade
The United Nations global environmental monitoring information continues to show alarming trends. Whilst CBAM is a big topic in Europe, other countries are also developing policies to tackle climate change. Join us for the bitesize session where we will...

Introduction to Carbon Footprinting
The session will also provide delegates with an opportunity to ask questions on the day, these will be answered throughout the webinar at an appropriate time. This webinar is delivered by Loreus Ltd, a ‘spin-off’ company originally based at...

Carbon Literacy for SMEs
Consumers and businesses are becomingly increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases. In today’s environmentally aware market, sustainability and proving your credentials can be a significant differentiator. This course is open to businesses in Leicester. It takes...

An introduction to environmental legislation for business
In this session, we will provide a concise overview of the main pieces of UK environmental legislation that are relevant to most businesses. Our aim is to equip delegates with a broad understanding of key areas such as waste...

Carbon Footprinting – the next steps
So you’ve produced, your first carbon footprint, now what? This webinar will help organisations use the available information to prioritise the areas of focus for reducing their carbon emissions and the associated financial benefits. We will go over the...

Managing Climate Anxiety and Denial
Following on from the ‘Decarbonising Culture & Optimising Engagement’ webinar, this workshop focuses solely on how to identify those employee mindsets that might be blockers to achieving your sustainability goals. It will provide you with a clear understanding of...

Journey to Net Zero: 12 Opportunities for Businesses
Looking for an approach to decarbonise and grow your business at the same time? This seminar is for you as it offers a novel approach to Net Zero journey for businesses. The session will be delivered by Dr Fred...

Carbon Literacy for SMEs Part 1 of 2
Consumers and businesses are becomingly increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases. In today’s environmentally aware market, sustainability and proving your credentials can be a significant differentiator. Carbon literacy certification provides real evidence of backing up your...

Carbon Literacy for SMEs Part 2 of 2
Consumers and businesses are becomingly increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases. In today’s environmentally aware market, sustainability and proving your credentials can be a significant differentiator. Carbon literacy certification provides real evidence of backing up your...

Carbon Management in Business
Businesses have significant carbon emissions impact and a key role to reduce emissions to help meet the government’s Net Zero target by 2050. Carbon management becomes an important aspect of businesses of all size and type. However, many of...

The Carbon Neutral Journey: Not all footprints, verifications & offsets are the same
This webinar is delivered by Julie Adams a Carbon, Cost and Procurement Consultant with Auditel, a leading Cost, Procurement and Carbon specialist organisation. Auditel will discuss: The basis of the carbon journey with a special emphasis on the options...

Supply Chain Sustainability: Managing the Environmental Risk to Business
Supply Chain Sustainability – Managing the Environmental Risk to Business (and the impact on emissions). This free online event, covers some of the changes from deforestation to green chemistry. This includes some of the “largest ever chemical legislation” which...

Go Green Event 2024
This free annual event taking place at Foxton Village Hall on Wednesday 12 June 2024, from 9.30am-2pm. Is organised by Harborough District Council and an opportunity for organisations in the Harborough district to gain ideas and solutions to reduce...

Carbon Literacy for SMEs Part 1 of 2
Consumers and businesses are becomingly increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases. In today’s environmentally aware market, sustainability and proving your credentials can be a significant differentiator. Carbon literacy certification provides real evidence of backing up your...

Carbon Literacy for SMEs Part 2 of 2
Consumers and businesses are becomingly increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases. In today’s environmentally aware market, sustainability and proving your credentials can be a significant differentiator. Carbon literacy certification provides real evidence of backing up your...

Scope 3 for Professional Services
Delivered by Julie Adams a Carbon, Cost and Procurement Consultant with Auditel, a leading Cost, Procurement and Carbon specialist organisation. This free webinar looks at the categories that make up scope 3, the importance and impact of the supply...

Energy Reduction Workshop with Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK
This FREE one-day workshop is delivered by the Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK Energy Support and Collaboration (ESCO) Team. Toyota has developed a carbon neutral strategy delivering accelerated cost and CO2 reduction. This exclusive workshop is free to attend (normally...

Webinar: Supply-chain Decarbonisation (Scope 3) for manufacturing, retail and food & drink sectors
Getting started with Scope 3 We will provide an overview of the different categories of Scope 3 within the GHG (greenhouse gas) protocol; how to define which categories are most relevant to your business (so called “boundary setting”); and...

Webinar: Decoding the ISO and PAS Standards on the Net Zero Journey
This free webinar is for people who are confused by how the various carbon ISO and PAS standards apply to their industry which can be complex in areas of export manufacturing, construction, or suppliers into this supply chain. We...

Beans for a better world: exploring UK business opportunities
Registering for the In Person Workshop Date: 3 July 2024 Location: The Priory Rooms, Birmingham Time: 10.00-16.30 Places are limited at this workshop so we encourage you to register here now. The Opportunity Most of the beans eaten in...

Carbon Management in Business
Our one-day Carbon Management in Business free in person workshop will provide a deep learning experience, giving you the skills and resources needed to reduce carbon use in your business. The workshop is delivered by academics and sustainability experts...

EMC: Carbon Management in Business
Our one-day Carbon Management in Business free in person workshop will provide a deep learning experience, giving you the skills and resources needed to reduce carbon use in your business. The workshop is delivered by academics and sustainability experts...

Building a Sustainability Plan: What to say to your B2B Customers
With over 20,000 companies representing over half of global marketing capitalisation disclosing emissions or Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) -aligned environmental data there is ‘downward pressure’ on business-to-business (B2B) supply chains for all companies to have a...

Decarbonising Governance
Sustainability and Climate Change are not simply environmental concerns but a significant business continuity issue too. Companies of all sizes need to embed decarbonisation into their governance procedures to ensure their operational activities are a success. This free online...

Introduction to Carbon Footprinting
The free online session will provide businesses with an introduction to carbon foot printing, starting with an explanation of the key concepts before progressing onto the reasons why businesses should produce a footprint in 2024. The session will also...

PAS2060 is Retiring, Long live the ISO
It is clear from announcements around the world, claims of green credentials and carbon pledges need to be backed up by recognised international standards. But which standard and how? This free webinar is delivered by Julie Adams a Carbon,...

Decarbonising Culture & Optimising Engagement
Most conversations around sustainability and Net Zero focus on decarbonisation of operational activities. But without the full engagement of your staff and wider stakeholders it is much harder to deliver your policies and create truly successful outcomes. This free...

EMC: To offset or not to offset
Carbon offsets are used by many businesses to reduce their overall emissions. They can be really beneficial to the planet, but they often hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. In this webinar we will look at what...

EMC: Managing Climate Anxiety and Denial
Following on from the optional ‘Decarbonising Culture & Optimising Engagement’ webinar, this workshop focuses solely on how to identify those employee mindsets that might be blockers to achieving your sustainability goals. It will provide you with a clear understanding...

Managing Environmental Risk in the Supply Chain: Business as usual is not an option
The news on ESG/Sustainability is often dominated by a focus on carbon emissions (net zero) and legislation on carbon reporting and disclosure. However, increasing legislation around biodiversity, deforestation and chemicals will impact on cost, availability and present significant risk...

Supply chain Decarbonisation – Scope 3 for Manuf, food, retail
Getting started with Scope 3 Supply chain emissions (Scope 3) for most manufacturing companies represent over 80% of carbon impact but also over 90% of the complexity, so where do you start? This session will focus on how to...

PAS2080 & CBAM and their impact on construction & the construction supply chain
Recent announcements requiring Highways Agency contractors and supply chain participants to comply with the new PAS 2080:2023 standard have shaken the industry. This webinar will provide an overview of PAS 2080, its direct impact on your business, and the...

East Midlands Chamber: Decoding ISO and PAS Standards on the Net Zero Journey
This webinar is designed for those who are confused about how various carbon ISO and PAS standards apply to the net zero journey. We will review the available ISO and PAS standards, highlight their differences, and explain how they...

Carbon maturity and supply chain engagement
“Where Am I Going on My Net Zero Journey” Embarking on the path to Net Zero can be daunting, but understanding your current position and how to progress is crucial. Join us for this insightful webinar, where we delve...

EMC: An Introduction to environmental legislation for business
In this session, we will provide a concise overview of the main pieces of UK environmental legislation that are relevant to most businesses. Our aim is to equip delegates with a broad understanding of key areas such as waste...

EMC: Carbon Footprinting: the Next Steps
So you’ve produced, your first carbon footprint, now what? This webinar will help organisations use the available information to prioritise the areas of focus for reducing their carbon emissions and the associated financial benefits. We will go over the...

EMC: Net Zero Journey: Understanding & Implementing Carbon Reduction Planning with Science-Based Targets
In this free webinar, we will explain what science-based targets are, how to build a science-based reduction plan for your business, and how to determine if you are on track. Beyond the initial steps of carbon inventory, we will...

East Midlands Chamber: Midlands Energy Summit 2024
Held in partnership with the University of Nottingham’s Energy Institute and the East Midlands Freeport the 2024 Midlands Energy Summit will explore how businesses, academia and policy makers can come together to ensure that clean growth underpins our future...

East Midlands Chamber: How to Drive Carbon Reduction and Sustainability in your Business
Carbon management is becoming increasingly important in the business world. What steps are you taking to drive carbon reduction and sustainability in your business? It’s a question businesses are increasingly being asked by customers and suppliers alike. Maybe you...

East Midlands Chamber: Your Net Zero Journey: Carbon Management Maturity Model & Supply Chain Engagement in Scope 3
Embarking on the path to Net Zero can be daunting, but understanding your current position and how to progress is crucial. Join us for this free insightful webinar, where we delve into the Carbon Management Maturity Model and the...

EMC: Low-Cost Carbon Cuts: Affordable Tech, Savvy Procurement and Smart Behaviour
Are you an SME hesitant about diving into carbon reduction due to budget constraints? Fear not! In this webinar, we explore low-cost, high-impact strategies in technology, procurement, and behavioural change. Overview: These initiatives can be self-funding, offer quick returns,...

EMC: Decoding ISO and PAS Standards on the Net Zero Journey
This webinar is designed for those who are confused about how various carbon ISO and PAS standards apply to the net zero journey. We will review the available ISO and PAS standards, highlight their differences, and explain how they...

EMC: To Offset or Not to Offset
Carbon offsets are used by many businesses to reduce their overall emissions. They can be really beneficial to the planet, but they often hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. In this webinar we will look at what...

EMC: To Offset or Not to Offset
Carbon offsets are used by many businesses to reduce their overall emissions. They can be really beneficial to the planet, but they often hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. In this free webinar we will look at...

EMC: How Environmental Responsibility can bring your Business Alive
The work you are doing to make your business more environmentally responsible can feel at times like a slog. Perhaps you are struggling to get employee engagement, or the work feels ‘clunky’ when you share it externally with your...

EMC: How to Drive Carbon Reduction and Sustainability in your Business
Carbon management is becoming increasingly important in business world. In this free in person workshop the steps you taking to drive carbon reduction and sustainability in your business will be addressed. It’s a question businesses are increasingly being asked...

EMC: Building a Sustainability Plan: What to say to your B2B Customers
With over 20,000 companies representing over half of global marketing capitalisation disclosing emissions or Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) -aligned environmental data there is ‘downward pressure’ on business-to-business (B2B) supply chains for all companies to have a...

Enterprise Nation: How and ESG policy can help your small business thrive
In this free webinar with Enterprise Nation Jill Poet will help you understand the full meaning of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) in the small business context and how it will help your business thrive. Considering environmental impacts, caring about people...

Local Nature Recovery Strategy Briefing
This session is an opportunity to learn more about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS,) how it aligns with the agricultural sector, and ways to contribute to the consultation process. It covers: • An overview of the Local Nature...

Leicester Innovation Festival 2025: Innovation Mixer Clean Tech Edition
The LUinc. team is excited to host you at the April edition of the Innovation Mixer Event. This lightly structured event facilitates meaningful connections between founders in the Clean Tech sectors and experts, professionals, investors, mentors, and industry leaders....

Leicester Innovation Festival 2025: Net Zero & Sustainable Innovation Showcase
An event where businesses can connect, collaborate, and explore the latest advancements in sustainability. This event brings together key partners, including GreenerFuture Leicestershire’s Business Advisory Service, the University of Leicester School of Business, the Centre for Sustainable Business, and...

Where do I even start? A workshop to complete your sustainability audit
Brought to you by GreenerFuture Leicestershire this free workshop is designed to help you take the first steps in understanding what sustainability means for your organisation and how you can make meaningful progress. Using our quick, easy-to-use Sustainability Snapshot...

Harborough District Council: Sustainable Tourism Webinar 1 of 4 – the business benefits
This free webinar for tourism & hospitality businesses in Harborough District shows how to maximise the financial benefits that can come from more sustainable operations and capitalise on the opportunities presented. It will also cover how operating sustainability can...

Harborough District Council: Sustainable Tourism Webinar 2 of 4 – Using sustainability as a marketing strength
This free webinar for tourism & hospitality businesses in Harborough District shows how to make sustainability a marketing strength. By embedding authenticity into your sustainability marketing, you can turn environmental responsibility into a powerful tool for long-term business success....

Harborough District Council: Sustainable Tourism Webinar 3 of 4 – Navigating the certifications maze
Sustainability certifications are an absolute minefield! This free webinar for tourism & hospitality businesses in Harborough District provides a deeper dive into certification and whether it’s right for your business. It’s easy to waste time and money opting for...

Harborough District Council: Sustainable Tourism Webinar 4 of 4 – Sustainability in practice
In this free webinar for tourism & hospitality businesses in Harborough District, award-winning local business owners Ellie Jackson from Hidden Hideaway Glamping and Sue Jerham from National Forest e-bike Holidays introduce their businesses and outline the steps they have...

Blaby District Council: Green Business Breakfast
At Blaby District Council, we are committed to fostering a sustainable business environment. This free in person expert-led breakfast event will provide you with key resources and actionable advice to help your business transition to greener practices. Outcomes: *...