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Smart Manufacturing Data Hub

The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub (SMDH) supports small and medium-sized manufacturers to become more competitive by harnessing the power of data.

What is the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub?

The SMDH is a collection of innovative online platforms and initiatives that assist digitisation within manufacturing environments in the UK. Download this leaflet for details.

Core benefits:

Operational efficiencies – Reduce downtime using temperature monitoring sensors. Temperature sensors measure the amount of heat energy or coldness that is generated by an object or system and alert you to overheating or insufficient cooling. Through early detection of problems you can reduce downtime, and limit maintenance to when it is actually needed.

Energy efficiencies – Improve energy usage and sustainability. Energy efficiency is an extremely important factor when taking into consideration how efficient your manufacturing process is. Power monitoring and analysis can help you to to optimise operations, lower energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

Manufacturing Data Exchange Platform (MDEP)

This is the “Brain” of the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub and serves as a central repository for all your factory data, MDEP offers manufacturers:

  • Secure data storage
  • Access to Data Scientists
  • Data upload
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualisation
  • Data Insights
  • Personalised Data Dashboards
  • Real Time Monitoring

Personalised Dashboards

In the SMDH programme personalised data dashboards empower teams with relevant, real-time information, enhance decision-making, and drive efficiency and competitiveness in a
rapidly changing industry.

Features of SMDH Dashboards:

  • Realtime Monitoring – live updating
  • Energy usage monitoring
  • Data becomes visual
  • Data turns to Insights
  • Dashboard is customisable to KPIs
  • Identify production bottlenecks
  • Predict maintenance


Virtual Manufacturing Platform

This is SMDH’s platform of popular Virtual Manufacturing Testbeds, all in one place. Just choose the testbed most appropriate for your needs. In 1-click you can try a scenario before you buy and de-risk your investment.

Virtual Manufacturing Testbed – VMTS allow you to “virtually” (as opposed to physically) design and test “scenarios” for your manufacturing process: on software.

Watch a video

Digital Innovation Fund

Funding is available to all organisations and industrial partners across all regions of the UK.

Grant funding of between £5,000 and £315,000 will be provided, subject to project type.

The funding is to enable manufacturers to embrace the digital manufacturing revolution as it is vital manufacturers can capitalise on the productivity and growth gains that come with adopting the latest data-led digital technologies.

Funding Calls


Rapid Demonstrators

This funding aims to support SMEs with sensor installation, data analysis or similar to enable levelling up the opportunities for SMEs across the UK to exceed and expand. Funding up to £50,000.


VMTs and National Digital Twins

This funding aims to provide financial support and opportunities for institutions and organisations to bring these facilities to the SMDH community and enable SMEs to utilise them. Funding up to £100,000.


National Lighthouses

This call focuses on establishing Lighthouse Projects that will enable SMEs to embark on a smart manufacturing journey, derisking major investment yet enabling growth. open to any industrial or professional sector organisation which can provide skills, support or solutions for manufacturing SMEs. Grant funding of up to £315,000 will be provided to enable development of the concept into a market ready solution for deployment and dissemination to SMEs.