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The Business Gateway growth hub connects businesses to many different providers of business support services. Below is a selection of case studies for business that we have supported with our business support partners.


StockCake-Winter Power Lines_1731943230
men fitting solar panels
LLBSP Hosts Successful Industrial Strategy Consultation. A person standing in front of a screen showing a bar chart.
A female and pink thought bubble saying menopause
mental health Scrabble tiles
Cyber Security tweezers-picking-words-password
East Midlands Create Growth. Creative Businesses Clay model
a green tractor ploughs a field
Pencil 3 tick boxes and 3 smiley faces
Loughborough University
blank charts data
Two women and a man networking
Business Benefits showing young people in a logistics warehouse
people behind large lettering in lights
People standing outside space museum
Four people doing jumps up
Business Gateway Logo small
man presenting at podium
Woman presenting
robotic hand holding a pencil
aerial shot of factory
woman in yellow jacket
people holding a purple flag
large cut out number £400m with people standing behind
people celebrating award win
People networking
students watching presentation on a screen
Five people standing in front of large globe
man fitting solar panel
Image of woman with short hair
headshot of man
Three men in a laboratory
man by fountain smiling
woman with long brown hair
man smiling
man making speech
Headshot of man with moustache
woman with glasses leaning on chin
headshot of man smiling
man in suit and tie, green background
woman with glasses smiling
craft person working on copper pot
carpenter working on a chair
aerial shot of loughborough
woman using ring light to record a video
man filming with camera and headphones on
man with glasses
young person smiling wearing headgear
flooded street
woman smiling with silver hair
Large ad board display in front of shop