The work you are doing to make your business more environmentally responsible can feel at times like a slog. Perhaps you are struggling to get employee engagement, or the work feels ‘clunky’ when you share it externally with your audiences. This is because the work isn’t aligning with the values of your organisation.
When you align the work with your values it suddenly becomes alive, it makes sense. You generate interest, attract people to you and start realising the full benefits of your sustainability and decarbonisation work.
This free webinar will show you how to take a values-led approach to environmental and social responsibility and the benefits this can bring.
We will cover:
* Why organisational values are important
* How values can attract people to your business
* How to define your values if you haven’t done so already
* How to use your values to identify sustainability and decarbonisation projects
* The benefits of a values-led approach
This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) in partnership with East Midlands Chamber.